Free Inside Ministry
‘reaching the broken, the lost, and the incarcerated’
Free Inside Ministry
‘reaching the broken, the lost, and the incarcerated’
Free Inside Ministry
‘reaching the broken, the lost, and the incarcerated’


Free Inside Ministry reaches the broken, the lost and the incarcerated through the radio airwaves in Hawaii and Arizona and also ministering in the prisons.  We are committed to sharing the Good News of The Gospel of Jesus Christ to those with an ear to hear and a heart to receive Jesus Christ.


I love listening to the program at night with Pastor via and his wife singing praise and worship. When you guys preach the Word the Bible comes to life for me and my bunkie.


Women's Community Correctional Center

I never wanted to listen to anyone growing up and i got into trouble all the time and ended getting locked up. I heard Pastor Bulla on the radio and i thought it was the voice of God as i dropped to my knees and gave my life to Jesus. Don't stop doing what you guys are doing, all of us in OCCC listening to you every night.


Oahu Community Correctional Center

Being locked up in the hole in maximum security will make you go insane. if it wasn't for your Free Inside radio program I would have lost it by now. i know that every night i can have my sanity with all the pastors and like Pastor Kimo said, 'salvation is a free gift, but you have to open it up'. Mahalo ke akua for all you warriors for Jesus.


Halawa Correctional Facility

Thank you for your preaching. I've never been to Hawaii but the way you guys share the Word of God is like fire and all my brothers love you guys and your hearts you have for Jesus and for us guys locked up. Keep it up because lives are being changed by your program.


Eloy Detention Center

When you come to Saguaro there is such a peace in this place, it's like God sent His angels to visit us. Mahalo for the lunch treats, we look forward every time to see you guys and all your smiling faces. You guys never forget us, and you always come back and that's how we know you are real, no bs, just shoot straight and talk truth. Bless you guys for your love for us guys.


Saguaro Correctional Center


We just returned from our 28th Mission Trip to Saguaro Correctional Center and want to give a Big Mahalo Shout Out to Warden Thomas and his staff for always taking care of us. Pastors James 'Bird' Mahelona, Pastor Virgina Domiglan, Minister Jeff Rassmussen, yours truly and first time for Pastor Calvin Baker were able to go on this trip. Signs, wonders, and miracles follow the Word of God and the Holy Spirit was present everywhere that we went. It is so encouraging to see the men in good spirits, clothed and in their right mind. Thank you to Mike and Koni Hegmann for for their aloha as they opened their home to us for a relaxing meal. Lastly, mahalo for all the continued prayers and support to the ministry as we continue to press in and press on for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We’re Back…..

Aloha kakou,It has been a minute and it is now 2025 can you believe it? Free Inside Ministry is toing […]

A Word From The Lord with Pastor James Eric Williams

During these challenging times many are looking for and encouraging word and Pastor Kimo gives ‘A Word From The Lord’. […]

Faith Over Fear, The 3 R’s From Heaven

The opening prayer from His House of Prayer and Praise determined the course of our message yesterday. Blessed to minister […]


Every night at 9:30 pm tune in to 99.5fm in Honolulu or streaming at to hear one of the most impactful and powerful Christian based program on the airwaves currently. Pastor Kaua Kwan is on Montivational Mondays, Pastor Bird Mahelona is on Thankful Tuesdays, Pastor Via and First Lady Tamara Muasau is on Worship Wednesdays, Pastor Barry Naone is on Turnaround Thursdays, and Pastor James 'Kimo' Williams is on Freedom Fridays. We also have on deck and ready to go, Pastor Calvin Baker, our on deck Pastor. Hosted every night by Pastor Bulla and Lady Lyn. Tune in for the most powerful 30 minutes of your day.


The Eastman Foundation, Fishers of Men Ministry, and Salem Media Hawaii


Free Inside Ministry
PO BOX 89253
Honolulu, HI 96830
Phone (808) 222-2822  (Reverend Bulla Eastman)